NRB Meeting Detail Form NRB Meeting Detail Form General Event Information Event Name for Signage * This verbiage will be used for signage on the day of the event. If you would like to request different verbiage for the contract vs. event signage, please discuss with the Event Specialist. Event Date(s) * Estimated Number of Attendees * Event Start & End Time(s) * On-Site/Planning Contact * On-Site/Planning Contact First First Last Last On-Site/Planning Contact Email * Please note: this is who will receive a copy of this meeting detail form. Arrival Time * Emergency Contact Name * Emergency Contact Name First First Last Last Emergency Contact Phone Number * Furnishings Do you need a registration table? * Yes No Three (3) standard tables are available in the NRB Lobby for event use. Please confirm availability with the Event Specialist. Do you have vendors? * Yes No How many vendors are you expecting? * Do you need poster boards? * Yes No How many poster boards? * Poster boards are 4×8, double-sided, free-standing boards. Please visit our website for additional information. Please list any additional furnishings needed: Please note: additional furnishings will need to be ordered, delivered, set, and removed by a WUSM-preferred vendor. Catering Will you be providing food/beverage for the event? * Yes No Will alcohol be served at the event? * Yes No Please note: ECSS Alcohol Guidelines must be followed in all NRB shared spaces. Bon Appetit is the preferred vendor for any events serving alcohol. Which vendor will you use for catering? * Bon Appetit (Preferred) Kaldi’s (Preferred) OtherOther Please note: the catering vendor must be approved to operate in the NRB. To check approval status, please email Lauren Hurt at Audio Visual Needs Would you like an AV Technician available? * No AV Technician is needed. Yes, but only for setup. ($) Yes, for the duration. ($) Please note: an AV Technician is required in the NRB Auditorium for the duration of the meeting. Does your meeting have a hybrid component? * Yes No Will you be providing your own Zoom link? * Yes No, we would like to use an NRB-provided link ($) Please describe your hybrid meeting needs: * Please describe any AV equipment needed: * Please note that some AV equipment may not be readily available and may require outsourcing ($). If no AV equipment is needed, please write in “N/A” Parking Please check what applies: * We will use our department validations for attendee parking. We would like to utilize NRB validations that will be charged to the event upon invoicing. Attendees will self-park and pay in the garage. We would like to utilize shuttle services that will be charged to the event upon invoicing. We would like to utilize valet services that will be charged to the event upon invoicing. All attendees are campus employees and will not need parking accomodations. Limited event parking is available in the Newstead Garage. Please confirm with the Event Specialist. How many parkers do you expect? * Additional Information Please use this area to list any additional information you’d like the Event Specialist to know: Please disregard the “If you are human” note below. If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit